When people are good they go to Heaven when they die. When they are bad they go to Hell. When people are bad in Heaven God sends them back to Earth and into their old bodies. Then they become zombies and witches. When there are too many zombies God will send the Angels down from heaven to kill them if they are still being bad. Then the people that are zombies will all go to Hell where they are supposed to be. They should have been good in Heaven.
- L (age5)
Me: Will you be good in Heaven?
L: We're going to try.
K: I don't want to be a zombie! Your skin falls off!
L: And then we would have to eat brains! Yuck!
L (age5) There used to be real princesses and princes in the world. Then an evil witch turned them all into characters and made them make movies for Disney and do stupid stuff like trying to kill their sister and freeze their heart! Thats crazy.
K (age 4) Yeah, and that witch really needs to die!