iPhone 14 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro Max

I have two. I used to carry one. the advent of the electronic SIM was one of the best things in the world for a long time. it allowed me to have two phone numbers from separate vendors ran to one phone. I could choose which number to call from and text from and more. I had combined calendars, email, online resources in my pocket.

this year I broke down and got a second phone for work and divorced them. I cannot go through the day without both being happy that the lines are separate. I also cannot go through the day without wishing I had a single phone again. I am torn by the need to carry a separate phone just in case someone tries to call or so I can monitor email. the benefit is that I can just leave the thing on the desk at 5 o’clock and walk away.

I use the personal phone for my own email, texting, and calendar. there is no work content or applications on it at all. the storage is enough to allow me to store all my music. CarPlay is now a must in my vehicle. I don’t know how I would live without it and satellite radio when driving two hours each way to a doctor appointment.

if I move to a 15, I might look at combining them again. I don’t know. honestly, I just cannot decide which is best. it’s not that I am indecisive. its that my employer is not a fan of cargo pants.